Raffi & Lindsay Munroe

Nursery Rhymes For Kinder Times

Craft, 2022


Listen to Nursery Rhymes For Kinder Times

The world famous children’s entertainer Raffi and the award winning singer-songwriter Lindsay Munroe align here for a very delicate and creative take on traditional nursery rhymes that we’ve all heard before, but not quite like this.

“Three Kind Mice” starts the listen with soft vocal harmonizing and harmonica adding much warmth to the agile guitar playing, and “Diddle Diddle Dumpling” follows with whistling complementing the gentle, folk spirited climate.

Further on, the pair put their soothing slant on “Rock-A-Bye Baby”, where the lullaby is especially pretty, while the upbeat, hand clapping fun of “Jack And Jill” offers a simple and memorable version of the classic.

Close to the end, “Old Mother Hubbard” brings in elegant strings alongside the animal noises and calm singing, and “There Was A Nice Lady” exits the listen with a charming dreaminess that might be aimed at the youngsters lyrically, but musically will be adored by adults, too.

Thankfully, many of the lyrics of these classic songs have been updated, so these versions are caring and compassionate, and also promote social and emotional intelligence. Raffi and Munroe created new melodies, too, and though the songs certainly remain true to their originals, they are much more appropriate for this generation of little ears.

Travels well with: Kelli Welli- Robots Don’t Tell Jokes; Jenn Cleary- Happy Day