Efraín Amaya


Albany, 2022


Listen to Constellations

A chamber opera that’s inspired by the life and work of Spanish artist Joan Miró, Efraín Amaya’s music and Susana Amundarain’s libretto is illuminated by Raquel Winnica Young, Dan Kempson and Sara Shafer’s vocals.

“Act 1 Scene 1: Opening” leads the listen off with the Arts Crossing Chamber Orchestra meshing their elegant and adventurous sounds with Young and Kempson’s powerful vocals providing the vivid storytelling, and “Act I Scene 2” continues the very expressive instrumentation and soothing vocals thanks to Young’s stunning mezzo-soprano and, later on, Shafer’s chilling soprano that suits the mysterious textures.

Deeper into the story, “Act I Scene 5” showcases Kempson’s baritone amid the energetic and uplifting interplay of the orchestra, while “Act I Scene 6” moves with a very reflective tone that’s a bit dreamy, and occasionally cinematic.

The later tracks include the 3 chapters of Act II, and has the ability to swirl with a mesmerizing quality (“Pi, My Child”), as well as rumble with a turbulent demeanor (“What Is It? Jo, Are Those Explosions?”). “They’re Bombing The Village!” exits the listen, and is quite volatile, where emotive singing and dense musicianship emits a strong sense of urgency.

A very tonal focused listen that spotlights incredibly moving singing from the trio, Amaya’s inimitable vision is in very capable hands on this fascinating chamber opera.

Travels well with: Spatial Forces Duo- Little Spectacle; George Rochberg- Caprice Variations