Jenn Cleary

Happy Day

Self-Released, 2022


Listen to Happy Day

The Boulder, Colorado award-winning songstress Jenn Cleary returns with a 2nd family album, where her charming folk-rock welcomes plenty of diverse influences as she brings an upbeat appreciation for our earth.

“Happy Day” starts the listen with Mad Dog Friedman’s spirited harmonica before Christian Teele’s thumping drums enter alongside backing vocals from children, and “Magical Musical Train” follows with a playful approach that’s full of fun storytelling that’s vocally adventurous and musically warm.

Halfway through, “A Walk In The Woods” brings an anthemic quality that’s full of grit and melody, while “Turtle Time” embraces some folky ideas into the banjo friendly delivery.

Further still, “Fly Seagull Fly” is an acoustic guitar fueled and pretty album highlight, and “It’s Time To Go To Sleep” exits the listen with a dreamy intimacy that’s quite soothing,

A record that’s clearly steered towards the young ears, but will also be appreciated by adults, Cleary and company have a great time while also touching on very important issues such as self-care, enjoying nature and relaxation across the aptly titled body of work.

Travels well with: Eric Herman And The Puppy Dogs- Magic Beans; Sylvia- Nature Child- A Dreamer’s Journey