Arienne Hearts Charlie

The Greatest Show

Self-Released, 2021


Listen to The Greatest Show

Partners in both marriage and music, the Louisiana native Arienne brings her well seasoned vocals to Charlie’s meticulous guitar playing and diverse pipes, as the pair pen therapeutic and healing songs that tip their hat to funk, Motown, jazz and pop.

“Voyeur” starts the listen with a highly romantic tone, as warm guitar and a dreamy mood complement the soulful singing and crisp drumming, and this formula continues to the well placed brass and pretty singing from Arienne in the cozy “All Of Me”, as well as the graceful duet “Bare”.

In the middle, the intricate guitar of “Autumn Leaves” welcomes Ciaran on flute, where strategic brass and poetic singing make this one of the album’s best, while their version of “No One Knows” puts a clever, jazz spin on the thumping rocker that has never sounded like this.

Closer to the end, “Montero (Call Me By Your Name)” offers a fluid instrumental that embraces some Mariachi influences, and the final 3 tracks are different versions of previous tunes, with the naked version of “Solitude” being particularly intimate and stirring.

The duo are both mental health professionals, and they weave that aspect of their lives into their music, and the well thought out harmonies, eloquent wordplay and occasional grooves make each track present a reminder of just how powerful love is.

Travels well with: Ranzel X. Kendrick- Foreglow; Adrian John Szozda- The Life Of Someone I Once Knew