Ranzel X. Kendrick


Self-Released, 2021


Listen to Foreglow

A singer-songwriter who doesn’t easily fit any classification, Ranzel X. Kendrick’s self-described ‘freestyle folk’ touches on folk, pop, country and blues, and these 5 tunes, despite being recorded all over the country, flow together seamlessly in his timeless vision.

“Cross My Heart” starts the listen with a very romantic spirit as Kendrick’s smooth pipes are met with soft acoustic guitar, creative percussion and a very mature version of a folky love song, and “River Of Love” continues the theme with a deeper delivery vocally, as the Americana tinted tune glides with much beauty.

In the middle, “Virtuous Woman” is a particularly stylish track that brings playful drumming and dreamy flute to the cultured EP highlight, while “Lonely Tonight” resides closer to balladry and recruits warm female vocals for the poetic climate. “Slow Dancing In The Rain” finishes the listen with graceful piano and no shortage of emotion, as the lush and pretty landscape puts a firm exclamation point on the sensual record.

Now living partly in Costa Rica, Kendrick certainly takes influence from his current home, as this 3rd EP in his Legacy Collection continues his varied and easily enjoy song craft that you can’t help but admire.

Travels well with: Fred Argir- Still Alive; Brad Byrd- Where Were You When The World Stopped?