Roman Miroshnichenko


The Sixth Sense

Self-Released, 2020


Listen to Sixth Sense

A jazz fusion guitarist from Russia who has understandably been seeing much attention lately, Roman Miroshnichenko returns with The Sixth Sense, where his long running band of Val Chernoók (drums) and Oleg Kanakov (bass), as well as a handful of esteemed guests are on hand for this exciting, instrumental effort.

“Flying Dragon” starts the album with fluid guitar acrobatics as Bunny Brunel’s fretless bass and Daniel Figueiredo’s key prowess adds much to the soaring, fusion rock opener, and “Night In June” follows with Miroshnichenko’s eclectic guitar work being complemented by Gumbi Ortiz’s playful percussion amid a cultured delivery.

In the middle, “Bodhrán’s Magic” is particularly inviting as the dynamic guitar work is met with an orchestral slant in the form of Charlie Bisharat’s fascinating violin, while “Planar” takes the orchestral ideas a step further with the St. Petersburg Studio Orchestra in attendance, as well as piano from Rannieri Oliveira yielding much sublime beauty.

Closer to the end, “Olé!” benefits greatly from Gary Husband’s deft keyboards as prog-rock textures are explored in the varied climate, and “Breathe Groove” exits the listen on a calmer note of much grace as precise, mature songwriting enters the diverse finish.

Certainly an ideal listen for those with an ear for guitar music in the area of jazz and the many genres related to rock, with 6 string chops like this, it won’t be long until Miroshnichenko is a name familiar around the globe.

Travels well with: Frank Colon- Latin Lounge; Guillaume Muller- Sketches Of Sound