Jaap Nico Hamburger


Chamber Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2

Leaf, 2020


Listen Chamber Symphonies Nos. 1 & 2

It’s been a busy year for the composer Jaap Nico Hamburger, as this is his 2nd release of 2020, where “Remember To Forget” is presented by Ensemble Caprice with Matthias Maute, while “Children’s War Diaries” brings the Orchestre Metropolitain De Montreal and Vincent de Kort together, who were the subject of Piano Concerto.

The Chamber Symphony No. 1 starts the listen and unfolds over 2 chapters, where chamber and classical ideas run alongside each other as a rich atmosphere of strings and keys is not afraid to burst into bouts of fury just as it to calmly simmer with beauty and grace.

Chamber Symphony No 2, the shorter and more experimental of the compositions, is where abrasive moments are met with moody strings, emotive keys and much atypical instrumentation that’s all at once soothing, intriguing and mesmerizing.

Another relatively short album that comes in around 30 minutes, Hamburger leaves us hanging on every melody, every abrupt shift in tempo and every timeless note delivered on this expressive listen.

Travels well with: Orli Shaham- Mozart Complete Piano Sonatas; Jaap Nico Hamburger- Piano Concerto