
Stress Sandwich

Self-Released, 2023


Listen to Stress Sandwich

A Phoenix duo consisting of Kalen Lander and Bentley Monet, as Snailmate the pair make a rare version of synth-punk meets grindcore pop, and these 10 songs sure are atypical.

Early in the listen, “Trash, Baby” brings buzzing hip-hop ideas into the synth fueled fun that’s sort of an aberrant take on New Wave, and “The Snailmate Show” follows with a uniquely harmonic and dance floor appeal of pop filled rhythm.

In the middle, “The Laziest Man In The World” brings soulful ideas into the beat driven climate, while “Overwaiter” recruits death metal-esque vocals into the throbbing and curious delivery.

Residing near the end, “The Weird Gross Body” is both quirky and hard hitting, where shouting and singing are met with both ‘80s synth ideas and pummeling, metallic bouts, and “Donuts In The Rain” continues the creativity with sci-fi, processed vocals and thumping drums amid the rare energy.

Snailmate are nothing if not unpredictable, and their wordplay is just as diverse as their songs, where queer identity, hot sauce, or even wearing a robe can be discussed. The two certainly are not concerned about other’s perceptions, and that theme runs through the core of this highly inventive listen.

Travels well with: ERYRX- Psychological Projective; I Am A Rocketship- Mind Grafitti