
Chamber Works

Navona, 2019


Listen to Chamber Works

A record where multiple composers are on hand, Patterns turn minimalism into a highly refined art form across the appropriately titled Chamber Works.

“Asymmetry” starts the listen with dual guitars on a fast paced picking and strumming opener, and “Disintegration” follows with a lone guitar on a meticulous track with a unique melody.

Further along, “Two Lords” is divided into 3 parts, each with world class guitar playing from Santiago Kodela, while “Road Traversed And Reversed” relies heavily on a marimba in the playful setting.

Deeper cuts offer us the two part “Suite For Sarro”, where violin, viola and cello all bring sophisticated interplay, and the three part “Bassoon Quartet” ends the listen with 4 bassoons showing us much versatility in the woodwinds.

A listen that relies heavily on classical ideas, Patterns prove to us that the sounds of chamber music have few boundaries, or at least in their calculated, fascinating vision.

Travels well with: Grupo Encuentros-Tangos & Something More; Eliane Rodrigues- The Gershwin & Bernstein Connection