Various Artists

African Yoga

Putumayo, 2023


Listen to African Yoga

The Putumayo label celebrates their 30th anniversary with this gorgeous collection of relaxing sounds curated by the Putumayo World Music founder Dan Storper and New Orleans musician and yoga instructor Seán Johnson.

Ballaké Sissoko and Vincent Ségal start the listen with the calming kora and cello of “Mako Mady”, and Fetsum’s “Birth Of A River” follows with dreamy acoustic guitar that was inspired by his world travels.

“Ndikhawulele”, by Berita, follows, with her stunning and expressive voice floating across the soft melodies, while Suntou Susso’s “Ekanasong” showcases his kora skills and cultured voice amid the rich album highlight.

Close to the end, the graceful piano and absorbing voice of Ami Faku illuminates “Ndikhethe Wena”, and Geoffrey Oryema’s “Land Of Anaka” exits with a haunting yet soothing atmosphere that allows Oryema’s distinct voice to resonate warmth, mystery and emotion.

An ideal listen for those with an interest in yoga, or who just want to explore the diverse and rich music from Africa, these 12 songs certainly warrant repeated listens.

Travels well with: Putumayo Presents: Acoustic Paris; Putumayo Blues Christmas