
Lost Songs

Apollon, 2022


Listen to Lost Songs

Aadal, i.e. Michael Aadal (guitar), André Kassen (saxophone), Audun Ramo (bass) and Gunnar Sæter (drums), come together for this sophomore album of their American influenced melodies that come with a hint of melancholy populating these very well thought selections.

“No Man’s Land” leads the listen with very intricate and cozy guitar alongside soulful sax and gentle drumming in the calm setting, and “The Compass” follows with a warm, soothing quality that’s beaming with flowing melodies.

“Into The Light” takes up residence in the middle and emits a very stylish, jazz friendly demeanor, while “The Hunter” hints at post-rock tendencies that shimmer amid the strategic acoustic bass.

Moving towards the end, the dreamy “Opening-Woodlands” segues into the hypnotic and reflective “Woodlands”, where the brass, guitars and drums interact with very sophisticated and emotive gestures.

An album that’s quite spontaneous sounding and with a live feel, all 4 players contribute equally on this collaborative effort that showcases their Scandinavian roots with much attention to detail.

Travels well with: Aadal- Silver; The Opium Cartel- Valor