Erik Dahl Ensemble


Gethenian Suite

Svalka, 2021


Listen to Gethenian Suite

The Swedish composer and keyboardist Erik Dahl brings Anna Malmstrom (clarinet), Anna Cochrane (viola/violin), Andreas Thurfjell (sax), Tove Brandt (double bass), and William Soovik (drums, percussion) to this 13 song adventure the bridges jazz and classical ideas with inspiration from modern era Gothic chamber music.

“Gethen” starts the listen with much atmosphere as quick moments of percussive sounds invade the ominous backdrop that later on has keys and strings interacting with much beauty, and “Parade” follows with a fuller climate of strategic drumming amid moody violin.

Further on, “The Foretellers” emits a hazy beauty of warm keys, soulful sax and cautious song craft, while “Karhide Prelude & Fugue” pushes and pulls with a dynamic and thoughtful approach that balances intimacy and mystery with plenty of jazz undertones. “Pulefen Farm”, one of the album highlights, then displays bouncy bass work as the setting rumbles with an avant-garde approach of dense, emotive strings and drums.

Landing near the end, “Estraven” spotlights the agile keys in a very melodic landscape as Dahl’s talents make an indelible impression, and “The Ekumen” exits the listen with a busy, dizzying execution of fascinating chamber ideas that pauses for a stark and mesmerizing finish.

An album that truly defies categorization, Dahl and company bring no shortage of artistic qualities, cinematic bouts and exploratory musicianship that’s never so esoteric it can’t be enjoyed by anyone with an ear for pop, jazz, prog or classical music from any period.

Travels well with: Cary Heuchert- Hourglass; Magnatar- Parallel Worlds