Blynd Birds

Songs To Sink Yachts To

Self-Released, 2022


Listen to Songs To Sink Yachts To

An Austin, Texas trio who cover a lot of ground across these 9 tracks, Jared Blair (lead vocals, guitar, keys, trumpet), Simon Hillsman (drums) and Rachel Allred (bass), i.e. Blynd Birds, know their way around a guitar driven rock tune that’s kinds of pretty, kind of noisey and very much memorable.

“Mr. Abbott’s Misogyny Emporium” leads with raw, muted horns before bursting into a hypnotic and rhythmic display of instrumental prowess that seems like it could soundtrack a spy movie, and “Hand In The Till” follows with a thumping spirit and well timed organ as acrobatic drumming complements the gritty garage-rock.

Elsewhere, “Burnt Plastic” emits strong guitar playing and bits of classic rock into the energetic climate, while “Naked In A Booth” leads intimate before quickly segueing into a fuzzed out, blues friendly rocker.

Deeper into the back half, “Everybody Knows”, the best song present, balances calm, soulful moments with the powerful rhythm section, and “Your Bath Is Boiling” exits the listen with a dense display of multi-faceted rock that hints at post-rock in its adventurous, vocal-less finish.

Don Cento (piano) and Antoinette Odom (backing vocals) lend their talents here, and along with the collective strength of Blynd Birds, the rock, punk, folk, blues and garage nods all meet at a very compelling intersection.

Travels well with: Jon Spencer- Spencer Sings The Hits; Carrier- When New York Is Drowning