The Cole Patenaude Band


Are You Happy Now?

Self-Released, 2020


Listen to Are You Happy Now?

A revered blues artist from Canada, Cole Patenaude brings his intricate guitar work and skilled vocals to a diverse effort where rock, country, folk and pop ideas unfold with the help of his band, i.e. Dean Thiessen, Carson Tworow and Derek Maroney.

“Letchugo” starts the listen with a very soulful blues feel where soaring vocals steer a playful opening that embraces a pop friendly chorus, and “For The Money” follows with frisky piano as dual vocals complement the festive climate that’s country influenced.

Closer to the middle, “How To Love” finds itself in warm balladry that’s as expressive as it memorable, while “Compromise” recruits spirited guitars and lively brass that interact with melodic results. “Barely Alive”, the album standout, then uses strategic organ as the setting gets loud, busy and dynamic with some funk traces, too.

Near the exit, “I Need A Win” moves softly with agile piano and a breezy quality to the gentle climate, and the title track exits the listen with some classic rock nods as ‘70s swagger helps the record finish as strong as it began.

The blues comes in many flavors these days, and The Cole Patenaude Band’s version is among the most interesting and well fleshed out, as evidenced by this striking and charming record.

Travels well with: Head Honchos- Blues Alliance; Jeff Fetterman- Southern Son