Nick Corbin

Piggyback/Deeper In Love

Big-Ac, 2021


Listen to Piggyback/Deeper In Love

The principle songwriter for the much adored New Street Adventure until 2018, Nick Corbin has enjoyed a prolific solo career since, and here he offers us a pair of soulful tunes.

The lively “PiggyBack” gets the listen off to a melodic and energetic climate that benefits from Florian Bel’s dynamic bass and Ben Grose’s animated drumming.

The b-side contains the rich and breezy “Deeper In Love”, where Corbin’s smooth pipes and flowing rhythm guitar are met with soaring backing vocals, as well as Paul Jordanous’ trumpet and Tom White’s trombone, which adds even more intrigue.

A quick listen that touches on R&B, disco and plenty of soulful song craft, if you’re unfamiliar, this is a great way to test the waters of Corbin’s inimitable talents.

Travels well with: New Street Adventure- One And The Same Acoustic EP;