Gregory W. Brown

Fall And Decline

Navona, 2021


Listen to Fall And Decline

The composing skills of Gregory Brown are put to good use here, as he enlists the voices of the Variant 6 as well as meticulous electronics to tell stories about just how virtuous humanity can get, but also how it can all come tumbling down.

“But After Six Years” starts the listen with the poetic and expressive vocals dancing around each other with grace and playfulness as bare but impactful percussive sounds add even more allure, and “The Wine Of Life” follows with an impressive range, where the voices harmonize with incredible fluidity and warmth.

“After The President’s Speech You Dream Of Corpses” lands in the middle and benefits from atmospheric electronics amid the precise singing to make for a very unique track, while “As Orchards Bloom Again” is a brief but impactful 2 minutes of sublime beauty.

“Sixty Phantoms Of Kings” exits the listen and offers a subtle droning amid eloquent singing that meshes spellbinding vocals with creative electronics.

The 6 voices on hand embrace choral moments and electronic climates that range from sparse to firm, and under Brown’s vision it makes for a very relevant and timeless affair that takes an insightful peek into humanity’s shifting trajectory.

Travels well with: Brian Field- Vocal Works; Voces8- Infinity