Emily Kuhn


Sky Stories

Bace, 2020


Listen to Sky Stories

The Chicago trumpeter, composer and educator Emily Kuhn makes quite a dent on this debut album, where a large handful of guests help her flesh out jazz and chamber ideas that are never predictable and weave in and out of engaging, often stirring textures.

“Roses” starts the listen with gorgeous, expressive singing as warm trumpet complements the Helios band and Ben Cruz, and “Horizon” follows with contributions from Katie Ernest, Nate Friedman and Joe Sulhkonen in the free jazz meets chamber music mashing.

At the midpoint, “Fit” tumbles playfully with drum acrobatics from Friedman as Kuhn’s eloquent trumpet takes center stage, while “Catch Me” brings elegance and dynamic instrumentation to the flowing melodies. “Beanstalk”, one of the album’s best, then recruits plenty of lively rhythm to a cultured display of timeless musicianship that leaves an indelible impression.

Further on, “Anthem” relies heavily on cautious bass lines amid lively texturing, and “Jet Trails And Shooting Stars” exits the listen and brings lovely singing back as plucked bass and moody violin help cultivate an enticing atmosphere.

A very creative execution of calculated and improvisational skill, Kuhn pulls off an exceptional first record, as jazz, folk, classical, Latin and world influences are used strategically and flawlessly.

Travels well with: Kitt Lyles- Wake Before Dawn; Paul English- Girl In Green