Lizzy Young


Coocoo Banana

GFY, 2020


Listen to Coocoo Banana

A Paris native who spent time in Barcelona before landing in New York City, Lizzy Young is taking full advantage of the myriad of influences in her American home with this unconventional take on pop that’s eccentrically poetic and a bit raw, though that’s part of her charm.

“Can’t Take Can’t Touch” starts the listen and makes an instant impression with her gritty approach to pop that’s a bit mysterious yet dreamy, and “Coocoo Banana” follows with a darker approach as ominous vocals invade the lo-fi setting.

In the middle, “God Is Pink” is a percussively strong moment of stylish, hypnotic melody, while “Obvious” picks up the pace with firm keys as post-punk nods enter the droning yet dynamic delivery. “She Farts While She Walks”, one of the fuller tunes, then pairs talking/singing with New Wave nods that sound indebted to the ‘80s in all the best ways.

Long continues her unique formula to the end, where “This Morning When I Woke Up” offers light and airy keyboards against a lazy beat, and “Squid Juice In Hollywood” exits the listen busy, tuneful and with an almost carnival-esque feel to its atypical exploration.

Also an actress and a bass player in other bands, Lizzy Young (not her real name) makes good use of what’s in her immediate environment on this scrappy and unusual effort that will appeal to fans of modern outsider indie-pop.

Travels well with: Hermetic Delight- F.A. Cult; VvvV- The Wreck