Cosmic Convoy


Together Again For The First Time

C-Side, 2020


Listen to Together Again For The First Time

Originally a trio consisting of Brent Pennington, Chris Gregory, and Andy McAllister, the veteran musicians started Cosmic Convoy by playing a wide range of cover songs. Now with Mark Stalknaker on board playing bass, the band have shifted to all originals on this debut EP.

“Rosanna” starts the album with traditional country shuffling as smooth singing is complemented by a highly melodic rhythm section, and “Up For Grabs” follows with a calmer spirit of soulful, organic instrumentation that’s immediately striking.

In the middle, “Until I See An Empty Cup” recruits a retro spirit with some of the best percussion on the quick listen, while “Anodyne” hints at the blues where all the hallmarks of country music are present in its heartfelt delivery. “Fall And Fly Away”, the last tune on the record, then brings a romantic mood to the intricate guitar work and flowing musicianship.

Amazingly, this first effort was fleshed out in just a few hours and recorded studio live, and the band’s meshing of classic country, soul, rock and Americana make it a fine first effort and a sign of equally exceptional things to come.

Travels well with: Golden Bear- Dear Texas; Great Peacock- Forever Worse Better