

Pass Like Pollen

Self-Released, 2020


Listen to Pass Like Pollen

A Los Angeles outfit spearheaded by Chuck Moore, although this is Cartalk’s debut album, it sure doesn’t seem like it as their unique brand of Americana, shoegaze, alt-country and indie-rock flows together seamlessly on this exceptional break up record.

“Arroyo Tunnels” starts the listen with warm guitar as Moore’s smooth, expressive vocals take center stage on the cautious landscape, and “Noonday Devil” starts the listen with a thicker presence where drums and crunchy guitar unfold with some minor grunge nods.

Near the middle, “Wrestling” moves swiftly with a smattering of Americana mixed into the driving indie-rock, while “Car Window” recruits mild atmosphere as a buzzing climate of alt-rock like appeal enters the cautious delivery. “A Lesson’, another noteworthy track, then simmers lightly as eloquence and pensiveness are part of the thoughtful formula.

At the end, “Something Or Nothing” emits hushed, dreamy song craft in an almost lullaby sort of way, and “Sleep” exits the listen with one of the record’s best as country nods are present amid thriving, passionate song craft.

A record that manages to remind you of Jason Isbell, Dinosaur Jr., and My Bloody Valentine- sometimes all in the same song- Cartalk are nothing if not original, and this first album is quite possibly the best debut of 2020.

Travels well with: Hop Along- Bark Your Head Off, Dog; Rainer Maria- Past Worn Searching