The Pierce Project


Songs For Emi

Self-Released, 2020


Listen to Songs For Emi

A sibling band (plus their dad) of multi-instrumentalists who play vintage style pop that’s family friendly and not short on vocal harmonies, Florida’s The Pierce Project returns with a sophomore album of varied, familiar sounds with Songs For Emi.

“Hi Emi” starts the album with warm piano balladry as group vocals enter the emotive welcoming of Emi into the world, and “Oh Banana” follows with a playful display of retro-pop as charming lyrics are met with nostalgic melodies.

Elsewhere, the quirky “Vanilla Parfait” is a summery display of timeless songwriting, while “Brainwave Shutdown” recruits frisky drumming where harmonic vocals from the entire family help make this one of the album’s best in a psychedelic sort of way. “Love”, another noteworthy track, then sounds like it could have been birthed in any decade since the ‘60s, as the band’s dynamic chemistry is always at the surface.

Closer the end, “Old Piano” is cautious and pretty and of course features much piano but along with some fantastic guitar work, too, and “No More” exits the listen with soaring vocals in an intimate delivery that channels the spirit of John Lennon.

A band who grew up on classic rock and have probably spun a lot of records by The Beatles and The Beach Boys as well, there’s a lot of fun to be had listening to Songs For Emi, where hooks, melody, rhythm and harmony are all offered in spades.

Travels well with: They Might Be Giants- Idlewild; The Flaming Lips- King’s Mouth Music And Songs