Brad Turner Quintet

The Magnificent

Cellar Music, 2023


Listen to The Magnificent

The pianist and trumpeter Brad Turner is in some fine company here, where Cory Weeds, Peter Bernstein, Neil Swainson and Quincy Davis are present for the 9 timeless jazz pieces.

The calm presence of the soulful “You’re Ok” opens the listen with Turner’s warm trumpet amid Swainson’s mesmerizing bass, and the frisky energy of “Barney’s Place” follows with Weeds’ bright sax and Davis’ animated drums making for a lively climate.

In the middle, “Virtue Signals” is quite intimate, and benefits from the graceful keys in a very reflective mood, while “Bernice” uses Bernstein’s guitar superbly alongside the cozy rhythm section and glowing brass.

“Theme For Jocie” and “Rosemary” exit the listen, where the former burns slow with much emotion from the brass and guitar, and the latter is a bright and upbeat finish that will get your body moving to the harmonic jazz textures.

Turner has already picked up a Juno Award, and has been an integral part of the Canadian jazz scene for 2 decades. Amazingly, this ensemble only played together for 2 nights before recording these tracks for this partially live, partially studio listen that tips its hat to Thad Jones’ The Magnificent Thad Jones.

Travels well with: Jalen Baker- Be Still; Kirk Lightsey- Live At Smalls Jazz Club