Matthew Weissman

Frederic Rzewski: 4 Pieces, Squares, 6 North American Ballads

Albany, 2023


Listen to Frederic Rzewski: 4 Pieces

The esteemed pianist Matthew Weissman pays tribute to the American composer Frederic Rzewski, where the 4 involved pieces are upfront, firm, unapologetic and are motivated by an unwavering social conscience.

“Four Piano Pieces” opens the listen with rumbling keys making for a dramatic climate of mystery and intrigue, as Weissman’s fingers acrobatics are nothing short of stunning, and “Squares” follows with a very cinematic appeal that is both playful and exciting.

The back half of the listen offers the haunting and mesmerizing “Piano Piece No. 4 Alternate Interpretation”, and the pretty, melodic gestures of the dancing keys that populate “Complete North American Ballads”, which is the album’s best selection.

The compositions here span across 2 discs, and Weissman retains the spirit of Rzewski’s vision with the utmost care and adventurousness.

Travels well with: Steven Gerber- String Quartets; Justin Hellman- Garden Of The Gods