Izaak Opatz

Extra Medium

Mama Bird, 2022


Listen to Extra Medium

The mountain man and Montana resident Izaak Opatz makes a very interesting form of Americana, and this time it comes with a romantic quality that traces his travels across the East Coast and to Los Angeles.

“Passenger Seat” starts the listen with warm acoustic guitar and Opatz’s expressive singing in the eloquent folk climate that has him playing accordion, too, and “Chinook Wind” follows with a fuller approach of scrappy drumming from Malachi DeLorenzo and punchy country rock, complete with bright horns that you could and probably should dance to.

Halfway through, “Big Sandy” brings both grit and melody to the agile rootsy delivery that benefits from Dylan Rodrigue’s bass and keys, while “Married With Kids” offers a fuller display of brisk folk-rock that’s eccentrically charming and showcases Albert Hickman’s guitar prowess.

Close to the end, “Shampoo”, the best track, is both firm and cozy with a rhythmic version of Americana, and “In The Light Of A Love Affair” exits the listen with a bare, acoustic guitar fueled finish that pays close attention to mood and welcomes Louisa Stancioff’s backing vocals and aching pedal steel thanks to Jordan Bush.

An exceptional multi-instrumentalist and songwriter, there’s no lack of Americana artists today, but few are as great a storyteller and memorable as Opatz.

Travels well with: Riley Downing- Start It Over; The Deslondes- Hurry Home