Davis Causey & Jay Smith

Pickin’ On Christmas

Strolling Bones, 2022


Listen to Pickin’ On Christmas

A guitar focused holiday album from 2 exceptional players, Davis Causey and Jay Smith recorded this album way back in 1998 and made 100 copies for friends as Christmas presents.

“Little Drummer Boy” opens the listen with warm guitar and Jeff Reilly’s agile drumming, as much beauty enters the emotive climate, and “The Christmas Song” follows with very expressive progression on guitar amid the reflective tone.

“Following A Star”, the lone original, recruits a very cautious mood of meticulous picking amid an orchestral demeanor, while “Angels We Have Heard” picks up the pace with fluid melodies and a very charming presence that makes this the album’s best.

“What Child Is This” and “White Christmas” exit the listen, where the former showcases Reilly’s proficient drumming alongside glowing guitar, and “White Christmas” exits the listen with a sublime and frisky interpretation that just might be the best you’ll hear.

A recording that has aged very well, very unfortunately, Smith passed away soon after they finished this project. His memory is preserved well with this timeless release, as he and Causey both are in fine form, and the sparing but effective use of Randall Bramblett’s saxophone only enhances this instrumental endeavor.

Travels well with: Williamson Branch- Very Merry Christmas; Chris Ruggiero- Christmas With Chris Ruggiero