Reverend Freakchild


The Bodhisattva Blues

Treated And Released, 2021


Listen to The Bodhisattva Blues

A Colorado resident, Reverend Freakchild has been paving a very unique solo career for 20 years now, and his highly curious brand of blues rarely stays in one place long on the very diverse The Bodhisattva Blues.

After the 9 second chanting of “Om Mani Padme Hum” opens the record, “I Can’t Be Satisfied” bursts into soulful and gritty blues rock that’s rhythmic, melodic and executed flawlessly.

Further down the line, “Little Red Rooster” sprinkles piano into the cautious and powerful landscape of vintage swagger, while “I Know You Rider” resides in retro rock’n’roll territory, where acoustic guitar and harmonica bounce playfully. “Yer Blues” then recruits Melvin Seals on a thick and rugged display of southern influenced rock that benefits from well timed organ and fuzzy textures.

Deeper still, “Sweet Sweet You” finds itself in some form of Americana where intimacy is explored with much attention to detail, and “And We Bid You Goodnight” exits the listen on a live tune that’s a cappella with a gospel spirit embedded in the spontaneity.

Freakchild is in some fine company here, where Mark Karan, Robin Sylvester, Hugh Pool and Chris Parker all lend their talents to a very unconventional version of the blues that embraces an inimitable formula of rock, roots and psychedelic nods.

Travels well with: AJ Fullerton- The Forgiver And The Runaway; North Mississippi Allstars- Up And Rolling