Yaya Diallo


Self-Released, 2022


Listen to Kachii

The author and musician Yaya Diallo brings us a very soothing body of work, where that traditions of coredjouga in Minianka culture are present amid the strings, winds and sublime voices.

“Kachi Zie” starts the listen with Diallo’s intricate balafon and the warm strings helping make for a very worldly flavor alongside the dreamy chanting, and “Tien” follows with Fili Gibbons’ graceful cello adding much beauty to the meditative climate.

In the middle, “Hakili” is quite stirring, where emotive violin from Jeanne-Sophie Baron brings a unique demeanor to the mesmerizing textures, while “Gifono” picks up the pace with Diallo’s firm djembe playing for the hypnotic gestures.

Nearing the end, “Teriya” showcases Malia Pellerin and Sara Rénélik’s soaring voices to complement the precise drumming, and “Hoo” exits with David Gossage’s atmospheric flute taking focus across the distinct and memorable finish.

A listen that highlights ‘lost’ and ‘hidden’ songs no longer played in Minianka villages, Diallo handles balafon, djembe and talking drum with much care and adventurousness, and the band support him with their superb talent that bridges European and African music in fascinating ways.

Travels well with: Shujaat Husain/Katayoun Goudarzi- This Pale; Helsinki-Cotonou Ensemble- Helsinki-Cotonou Ensemble