Duo Dramatique

Crossroads: Modern American Works For Violin & Piano

Navona, 2021


Listen to Crossroads: Modern American Works For Violin & Piano

Dominika Dancewicz brings her violin to Donald Doucet’s piano prowess on this firm and well thought out affair, where they interpret the works of Arthur Gottschalk, Karl Blench and Erberk Eryilmaz.

“Sonata For Violin And Piano” opens the listen with 3 segments, where the strings and keys interact swiftly, calmly and with much playfulness, as the duo illustrate incredible depth and skill amid plenty of precision.

“Sonata In D” then occupies the middle spot, and brings a bit of tension to the very cautious landscape that welcomes manipulated violin and mesmerizing piano.

The listen exits on the rumbling and quick “Insistent Music”, where an energetic pace unfolds with a cinematic appeal that could soundtrack a chase scene with its sharp melodies.

A effort that truly defies any easy classification, the pair bring plenty of mood, humor and personality to these jazz friendly and European folk influenced gems that are as infectious as they are unique.

Travels well with: Thomas Bowes- Telemann Fantasias: 12 Fantasias For Solo Violin; Stanley Grill- Remember