Andrea Parkins

Two Rooms From The Memory Palace

Infrequent Seams, 2021


Listen to Two Rooms From The Memory Palace

The iconoclastic composer Andrea Parkins returns with a very enlightening listen that meshes swells of electronic feedback and spatial audio expertise with her inimitable vision of sound.

The album is essentially one long track, where an artistic and sonically exciting execution offers manipulation of acoustical space, spacey gestures, and poetic sound exploration.

Certainly cinematic and often in a sci-fi sort of way, the composition spends 50+ minutes mesmerizing us with its abstract appeal.

Also included is “The Third Room”, where bits and pieces of Parkins’ vast audio archives that have been curated for decades is exposed, which represents objects and acoustic spaces that settle in quite nicely.

Whether you’ve been following all along or are a first time listener, this curious listen has much to offer for the open minded.

Travels well with: Eli Wallace- Precepts; Anna Heflin- The Redundancy Of The Angelic: An Interluding Play