Bear, Man Dangerous

American War

Self-Released, 2023


Listen to American War

The Seattle outfit Bear, Man Dangerous, brings along Tamara Davis, Levi Fuller, Adam King and David Thomas for this lengthy and diverse track that you could never actually classify.

After a bit of mysterious atmosphere opens the listen, King’s agile drums and shimmering guitar enters with plenty of hazy post-rock ideas. The expressive vocals aren’t far behind, where Thomas’ chunky bass complements the thick moments of harder moments amid the gentle ebbs.

At over 9 minutes, the track touches on shoegaze, post-punk, stoner-rock and psychedelic bits, and will certainly impress those with an affinity for legends like The Jesus Lizard, Unwound, or even late period Sparta.

Travels well with: Bear, Man Dangerous- Unofficial Coworker; New Age Healers- Debris