Bjorn Riis

Everything To Everyone

Karisma, 2022


Listen to Everything To Everyone

The songwriter and guitarist Bjorn Riis returns with his 4th solo record, and he recruits members of Airbag, Wobbler, Oak and Caligonaut to the textured and meticulous 6 tracks that are quite progressive in nature.

“Run” opens the listen with a swirling, hypnotic approach, where firm drums and soaring guitars help construct a classic rock inspired, prog-rock landscape, and “Lay Me Down” follows with a dreamy intimacy that makes use of soulful, dual gender singing that tips its hat to the ‘70s.

In the middle, the warm piano of “The Siren” helps cultivate a romantic mood of poetic songwriting, while “Every Second Every Hour” moves with mystery and ambience amid the charming strumming, expressive singing and folk-friendly moments.

“Descending” and the title track exit the listen, where the former puts a layer of haze across the 4.5 minutes of dreamy but dense ideas, and the latter is initially bare before building into a powerful duet.

Riis makes the most of every second here, and his esteemed company help make for a throwback and prog-filled affair that’s quite absorbing.

Travels well with: Wobbler- Dwellers Of The Deep; Caligonaut- Magnified By Giants