Sonidos Cubanos 2


Sonidos Cubanos 2

Neuma, 2021


Listen to Sonidos Cubanos 2

A collection of compositions that are rooted in the rich heritage of Cuban sounds, Sonidos Cubanos 2 showcases 5 composers that are diverse enough to bring orchestral, classical and opera ideas that are as cultured as they are captivating.

Flores Chaviano’s “NiFe” starts the listen with a tribute to the victims of a 1995 mining accident in Spain, where Hector Coello’s well timed bagpipes and gaita complement the tense yet poetic landscape, and Ivette Herryman Rodríguez’s “Memorial” follows with Lindsay Kesselman’s soaring soprano alongside Oscar Micaelsson’s sublime piano work and Norbert Lewandowski’s moody cello.

The bulk of the tracks are different chapters of “Libertaria Song” by Sabrina Pena Young, which brings in a cast of Perry. R. Cook, Gracia Gillund and Kate Sikora, among others, where operatic singing, warm keys and low woodwinds find bare, pretty places to reside, as well as eerie moments amid vivid storytelling.

Eduardo Morales-Caso’s “Evolving Sphere’s exits the listen, and showcases Duncan Gifford’s precise piano and Lorenzo Losco’s strategic bass clarinet in a classical and chamber influenced setting of fluid, timeless interaction you’ll be in awe of.

All the composers in attendance are recipients of the prestigious Cintas Foundation Fellowship, and it’s really no surprise that all of their work is held in such high esteem, as every moment here is precise, creative and profoundly artistic.

Travels well with: David Dunn- Verdant; Phillip Blackburn- Justinian Intonations