Afton Wolfe


Kings For Sale

Grandiflora, 2021


Listen to Kings For Sale

An artist from Mississippi, Afton Wolfe brings the rich history of his home state to these 9 originals, where many contributors help him flesh out a listen that’s Delta Blues friendly, New Orleans jazz frisky and not short on country and folk ideas, too.

“Paper Piano” starts the listen with soft keys from Ben Babylon, bright brass and Wolfe’s gritty pipes in a blues and jazz influenced landscape, and “Carpenter” follows with a dreamy climate of emotive violin thanks to Rebecca Weiner Tompkins alongside Wolfe’s expressive pipes and Adam Kurtz’s alluring pedal steel.

The middle tracks are among the best, and include the sublime rasp of the cautious “About My Falling”, where flute from Seth Fox and French horn by Kristen Englenz add much to the graceful demeanor, while “Cemetery Blues” offers a buzzing display of firm drumming from Tommy Stangroom and dense guitars from Wolfe and Wess Floyd as the listen shifts towards southern rock.

On the back half, “Fault Lines” moves with a gravelly beauty that’s fueled by sophisticated piano, light pedal steel and gentle touches of bass and violin amid Wolfe’s poetic singing, and “O’Magnolia” exits the listen vocally strong as many players lend their soulful voices to a gospel influenced finish.

Certainly able to draw parallels to legends like Leonard Cohen or Nick Cave, but also very distinct in his genre meshing approach, Afton Wolfe does not disappoint on this first solo album that’s gruff, diverse and eloquent in its unique charm.

Travels well with: Mare Wakefield & Nomad- No Remedy; Kevin Daniel- Myself Through You