Sven Wunder


Natura Morta

Piano Piano, 2021


Listen to Natura Morta

A Swedish artist who’s well versed in jazz, rock and even folk ideas, Sven Wunder pens a record packed with rich melodies that spans classical to current sounds, where 9 violins, 4 violas, 3 cellos and much more are used flawlessly.

“En Plein Air” starts the listen with dreamy, inviting piano work as an airy flute and sweeping strings enter the elegant climate, and this sophistication continues to the careful 12 string guitar of the gorgeous, jazz friendly, “Impasto”, as well as the shimmering climate and playful drumming of “Prussian Blue”.

In the middle, “Alla Prima” flows with a cinematic quality as soaring strings and frisky guitar work meet at a very pretty intersection, while “Barocco, Ma Non Troppo” recruits retro jazz qualities amid electric piano and rhythmic manipulation that even gets funky.

Closer to the end, “Pentimento” is a precisely textured and absorbing display of vibrant beauty and the reprise version of the title track follows with sublime piano playing alongside an almost lullaby like delivery.

A 3rd album that is quite cultured at its core, Wunder brings art and nature to his inimitable vision, and it results in a very colorful and creative classical and orchestral influenced adventure.

Travels well with: Aaron Larget-Caplan- Nights Transfigured; Reza Khan- Imaginary Road