Darlin' Brando


Also, Too…

Self-Released, 2020


Listen to Also, Too…

The recording moniker of Brandon Goldstein, the veteran songwriter and musician has also dabbled in folk-pop and hardcore, but on this debut as Darlin’ Brando he’s knee deep in country sounds, that sort that emanates from honky tonk bars and that you could and should two-step to all night.

“When You Don’t Fight” starts the album with a classic country approach where Edith Freni contributes her pretty pipes on the rugged melodies and pedal steel friendly opener, and “Those Old Demons” continues the setting with some folk ideas present alongside Spanish strings.

Halfway through, “Weeds & Flowers” trims the pace back with the sort of warm acoustic strumming we will never tire of, while “Crumbling Marriages” adds some Americana into the breezy approach on the album highlight that tackles turbulent subject matter while being aglow with beauty.

“Year One” and “The Old Man And The Kid” bookend the listen, where the former offers a bouncy, playful spirit that tips it hat to ‘70s country, and the latter recruits strong storytelling and brushed percussion with no shortage of timeless acoustic guitar prowess.

The Streise Bar Band handle all guitars and backing vocals here, while Goldstein sits behind the drum kit and sings, and he does a hell of a job convincing us he’s a full time rural resident despite living in Los Angeles (to be fair, he has spent time in Nashville, too). Now remarried and having moved past his demons, don’t let some of these song titles fool you, cause Also, Too… is largely an upbeat country-rock affair that requires dancing shoes and an ear to ear grin.

Travels well with: Brent Amaker Deathsquard- Hello; Mark Bumgarner- Just Above The Waterline