The Great Dying


Bloody Noses & Roses

Dial Back Sound, 2018


Listen to Bloody Noses & Roses

A very unique outfit spearheaded by Mississippi resident Will Griffith, The Great Dying bridges his interest in Americana and country with garage and punk rock on a very unpredictable listen that could soundtrack a bar fight, just as it could a romantic evening.

The albums starts with the warm strumming of “Nobody Arrives”, where raw, expressive vocals from Griffith add much emotion to the stunning opener, and “Cellar Below” continues the rugged atmosphere with slinky guitar work and a turbulent setting that tips it hat to punk rock.

Halfway though, “Magnolia” brings a timeless folk quality to the pedal steel friendly and bare delivery, while “Lips And Pistols” cranks up the intensity into a blistering and forceful moment of busy, fuzzed out rock. “Beer By The Bed”, the longest and best tune, then moves with a sad beauty that displays incredible songwriting skill from Griffith.

At the end, “Junkiesque Skull” builds into a psychedelic adventure of crashing percussion and thick bouts of noisey rock, and “Water The Horses” strips the landscape back with Griffith’s pipes guiding the Americana exit that tugs on the heartstrings.

To say that Bloody Noses & Roses is a bit varied would be an understatement, just as saying this is a decent listen would be doing Griffith and company a disservice. It’s more accurate to say that this is one of the best records in recent history that brings grit and fury into southern, rural sounds.

Travels well with: Cory Branan- Adios; Drive-By Truckers- American Band