Renée Anne Louprette

Bach: Clavier-Ubung III

Acis, 2023


Listen to Bach: Clavier-Ubung III

The concert organist Renée Anne Louprette brings her esteemed playing to these Bach pieces, where the complicated compositions are fleshed out with a universally embraceable demeanor.

“BWV 522/1 Praeludium pro Organo pleno” opens the listen with the bright tone and flowing keys making an indelible impression, and “BWV 669 Kyrie, Gott Vater in Ewigkeit” follows with both intimacy and exploration populating the strong attention to mood.

Deeper into the listen, the dreamy spirit of “BWV 676 Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr” carries plenty of melody, while “BWV 682 Vater unser in Himmelreich” offers a rich landscape of technical and dense key manipulation.

Arriving near the end, “BWV 688 Jesus Christus, unser Heiland” swirls with incredible progressions that are nothing short of mesmerizing, and “BWV 552/2 Fuga pro Organo pleno” exits with booming and soaring organ prowess that few others could replicate.

Recorded at Christ Church (Episcopal) in Rochester, New York on August 1-2, 2017 and June 1-2, 2021, Louprette’s playing is top notch, as she does justice to this classic work.

Travels well with: Jasmine Barnes- Dreamer; Herschel Garfein- The Layers