
Should’ve Learned By Now

Thirty Tigers, 2023


Listen to Should’ve Learned By Now

The Memphis alt-country heroes Lucero are constantly tweaking their approach across their 12 studio albums, and this time they make room for some goofy, clever and upbeat tracks that are never far from their roots in the punk rock scene.

“One Last F.U.” starts the listen with driving grit, where the thick melodies suit the ultra raspy vocals and nostalgic rock’n’roll spirit, and “Macon If We Make It” follows with remnants of country rock planted amid the firm guitar crunch and immediately memorable sing-alongs.

Right in the middle, the thumping energy of the anthemic “Nothing’s Alright” uses keys strategically, as well as dreamy bouts, while “Raining For Weeks” trims the pace back with graceful keys and cozy acoustic guitar complementing the poetic storytelling that emits some folk qualities.

The title track arrives close to the end, and it’s a dense bar rocker that’s darker in spirit and charged in a raw, country-punk fashion, and “Time To Go Home” exits with a playful intimacy that’s charming, relatable and timeless.

The band are of course led by Ben Nichols and his signature gravelly pipes, and he’s aligned with Brian Venable on guitar, Roy Berry on drums, John C. Stubblefield on bass, and Rick Steff on keys. A band that have found a very unique spot to reside, Lucero somehow play with a presence that can fill a stadium or a mostly empty, dingy basement, and though they’ve never released anything that wasn’t great, this might be their best.

Travels well with: Cory Branan- The No-Hit Wonder; Tim Barry- Spring Hill