Stefania de Kenessey

In Her Words

Neuma, 2022


Listen to In Her Words

The exciting composer Stefania de Kenessey brings us a dance record that’s entirely electronic, but still channels classical ideas, as well as Hungarian and Bulgarian folk songs, and even American pop music.

The eloquent keys and classical spirit of “Mossy” opens up the listen with much warm exploration, and “Unorthodox” follows with firm drumming sounds entering the highly melodic, hypnotic landscape of orchestral influences.

“Altogether” lands in the middle and flows with swirling, charming wind traces and keys that help make for a cinematic delivery, while “With You” emits intimate and stirring keys in a very elegant fashion.

Nearing the end, “On Our Own” uses talking strategically amid a dreamy haze of beauty, and “Lead Me Alone” exits the listen with a bit of mystery entering the soft instrumentation that does build into a very focused and emotive display of unparalleled skill.

A very rich and meticulous affair that pays close attention to tone and rhythm, the tracks here thematically surround the difficulties that women confront everyday, and unfold with a very distinct, engaging behavior.

Travels well with: Nick Vasallo- Apophany; Tyler Kline- Orchard