Other Houses


Twins Who Fence

Aagoo, 2021


Listen to Twins Who Fence

The recording moniker of Morgan Enos, the veteran musician has had a busy few years that includes moving to two different states, getting married and buying a house. All of this transition naturally lent itself to new songwriting material, and here we’re treated to 4 very diverse and heartfelt tunes.

Side A leads with “Wind Chimes”, where cautious acoustic guitar and expressive, poetic singing enter the folk influenced climate alongside light drumming, that, later on, brings in a fuller presence, and this segues into the thicker, fuzzed out “Twins Who Fence”, which alternates between thumping alt-rock and shimmering post-rock.

Side B starts with the jangly and crisp “Lower School”, which recruits some lo-fi indie-rock sensibilities into the fold, while “Invited Enemy” exits the listen with much beauty, where a quick guitar solo and dreamy backing vocals add even more appeal to the warm, agile finish.

The last few years have been the longest break from music that Enos has taken since he picked up a guitar as a teenager, and now that he’s settled, let’s hope more songs are on the horizon, cause his well thought out formula brings bare intimacy and crunchy rock together in ways that might remind you of Dinosaur Jr., Sebadoh or even a grittier version of Dashboard Confessional.

Travels well with: Christopher Sky- What It Is It Isn’t; Emily Davis And The Murder Police- Never A Moment Alone