Glass Farm Ensemble

Nieuw Amsterdam New York

Neuma, 2024


Listen to Nieuw Amsterdam New York

The sextet Glass Farm Ensemble flesh out pieces by 7 different composers, where classical and chamber ideas are explored with detailed musicianship that includes a trio of bassoons.

Frederic Rzewski’s “Spots 1,8” opens the listen with Mark Haeldermans’ strong percussive skills before Yvonne Troxler’s dancing keys enter the lively climate, and “Romanze”, by Willy Burkhard, follows with Jos Lammerse’s flowing bassoon that suits the emotive keys.

Deeper into the listen, Henk De Vlieger’s “Aulos” places Freek Sluijs on bassoon for the soft and expressive delivery, while Troxler’s “Lagrangian Relaxation I, II” recruits Margreet Bongers on bassoon amid the mysterious and cinematic gestures.

Much further down the line, the glowing intimacy of “Lacrimosa”, by Louis Andriessen, allows for Bongers’ stirring bassoon to radiate, and “Duo” invites a rich flavor via the firm keys, frisky bassoon and adventurous vision.

Although the bassoons are often the focus here, the keys, percussion and Emi Ohi Resnick’s violin certainly leave an indelible impression, where the historical link between Amsterdam and New York is very much alive and revered.

Travels well with: Robert Carl- Infinity Avenue; Rick Baitz- River Of January