Michael J. Miles

American Bach Revisited

Right Turn On Red, 2023


Listen to American Bach Revisited

This is the 8th album from globally praised banjo player Michael J. Miles, who, alongside Jill Kaeding’s cello, makes for the very creative interpretations of J.S. Bach’s Cello Suites I and III, plus an original.

“Cello Suite III” begins the listen with the playful banjo and warm cello interacting with both warmth and adventurousness, as the 6 chapters flow with both instruments using calm versus firm gestures.

The middle belongs to “Cello Suite I”, where a charming intimacy unfolds across the 6 pieces that showcase intricate picking techniques and a very strong attention to tone and mood.

The original, “Chicago Suite”, exits the listen, and is an upbeat and spirited display of rich and dynamic playing from the pair that few, if anyone, could replicate.

Performing Bach’s work on a banjo is no easy feat, but Miles’ profound skill alongside Kaeding’s unparalleled cello prowess creates a chamber listen of the highest caliber.

Travels well with: Sirius Quartet- Playing On The Edge 3; Eliane Rodrigues- The Gershwin & Bernstein Connection