Eric Johanson

The Deep And The Dirty

Ruf, 2023


Listen to The Deep And The Dirty

The Louisiana native Eric Johanson returns with another batch of varied blues songs, where his rawness and expressive vision is again fueled by his skilled guitar and singing, and it welcomes Terence Higgins, Eric Vogel, Jesse Dayton and Patrick Herzfeld.

“Don’t Hold Back” gets the listen off to a fuzzed out and grooved filled climate, where Higgins’ crashing drums complement the dense bass from Vogel, and “The Deep And The Dirty” follows with plenty of grit amid the spirited guitar and thick melodies.

Further along, “Undertow” emits plenty of swagger via the playful roots rock, while “Just Like New” is a bit calmer, where a poetic quality flows alongside crisp drums and charming percussion.

Deeper on the back half, the rich and dynamic “Gets Me High” touches on Americana in Johanson’s rugged blues vision, and “She Is The Song” exits with soaring guitar acrobatics that embraces hard rock into the timeless blues formula.

Another first rate listen from an artist who is as eclectic as he is creative, fans of blues from any era or part of the country will appreciate Johanson’s song craft.

Travels well with: Tony Holiday- Motel Mississippi; Mike Pope- Ripening (Ain’t It Strange)