Fella Cederbaum

Truth And Destiny

Mahni Verse, 2021


Listen to Truth And Destiny

An artist with a wealth of talent, the poet, composer, former psychotherapist and filmmaker Fella Cederbaum offers us a very atypical debut album penned during the difficult times of Covid, where she explores themes of self-discovery, love and loyalty.

“When Thoughts Stick To Your Mind” opens the listen with Cederbaum’s flowing poetry alongside a soft, atmospheric mood, and “The Orchid And The Daisy” follows with graceful keys amid the dreamy prose that’s quite soothing in its nature.

Elsewhere, “Unlived The Lived” unfolds with a sage like presence alongside the emotive piano, while “Desires” make the most out of the introspective climate that’s full of graceful keys. “Sprinkled Bubbles”, the best track on the album, then uses the instruments with a more prominent appeal that’s even a bit mysterious.

“Will You Hold Me” arrives near the end, and is a bit darker in scope, as a more dramatic setting develops, and “Destiny” exits the listen with plaintive keys and gently plucked bass sounds accenting an almost New Age friendly landscape.

It’s pretty clear that Cederbaum has lived a very thorough and examined life, and her wisdom and creative drive is quite striking as the spoken and music portion of her art makes quite an impression on this first record.

Travels well with: Jaki Shelton Green- The River Speaks Of Thirst;