Jonathan NG


The Sphynx

Self-Released, 2019


Listen to The Sphynx

A jazz violinist, vocalist and bandleader, Jonathan Ng (pronouned ‘ing’) is well versed in swing jazz and classical sounds, and with The Sphynx Ng and company bringing us back to the ‘30 and ‘40s with this captivating and fun EP.

The title track and sole original tune starts the listen with a jumpy pace where the keys and saxophone interact in a way that will certainly get your body moving with its gypsy jazz formula, and “Maelstrom” follows with an old time feeling of spirited musicianship amid plenty of rhythm and strong tenor sax prowess from Albert Alva.

The back half of the quick listen includes the violin acrobatics of NG and piano skill of Chris Dawson on the Ragtime influenced “Gin Mill Special”, while “Embryo” twists and turns with a playfulness that few could replicate. “Stardust” ends the affair warm and emotive as calm keys dance around NG’s animated violin and sublime guitar picking.

Although a brief listen, it’s a memorable one, where each player showcases their individual strengths at just the right time and with an unparalleled amount of precision. Fans of any era of jazz, Ragtime and blues will want to devote some attention to The Sphynx.

Travels well with: Frank Kohl- The Crossing; Larry Corban- Emergence