Pascal Gamboni


Everybody Wants The Honey

Waterfall Of Colours, 2019


Listen to Everybody Wants The Honey

A singer-songwriter who was born in Switzerland but has spent plenty of time in England, too, Pascal Gamboni delivers a home recorded LP here, where Astrid Alexandre, Ursina Gigger, and Isabella Fink, among others, are in attendance.

“La Forza Da Surviver” starts the listen with warm acoustic strumming and rhythmic percussion in the cultured tune, and “Te Ed Ju” follows with memorable folk tendencies in the campfire-esque setting where female backing vocals add much to the equation.

Elsewhere, “So Good” offers a bare but impressive track where a flute like instrument and many voices are involved, and “Vegi Paul Unics” continues the diverse atmosphere with a dance friendly delivery amid upbeat, playful grooves. “Bien Di Sera”, a back half highlight, then uses strategic strings and expressive vocals in the elegance.

Towards the end, “Valentina” flows with a shuffling pace of infectious melodies, and “Il Flad Dil Mund” ends the listen cautiously, where a moving execution comes with intricate guitar work.

An unassuming listen where cellos, cantau, harmonium, battaria and plenty of other unconventional noisemakers are present, Gamboni and company delivery an impressive and memorable performance here, that easily warrants repeated listens.

Travels well with: Atlas Clouds- Neuerscheinung; Soften- See You Swoon