Skeleton Flower

Skeleton Flower

Self-Released, 2019


Listen to Skeleton Flower

This debut from Seattle’s Skeleton Flower brings a unique, artistic approach to an indie-rock template, where countless ideas unfold in the 30 or so minutes of meticulous delivery.

“It’s Over” starts the quick listen with pretty vocals and grittier indie-rock tendencies, and “My Double” follows with a quick pace of melodic, tumbling sounds where bedroom-pop influences are present.

The back half of the listen offers the horn friendly and marching band style percussion of the jazz friendly “Could It Be”, while “Eliza’s Task” takes a dramatic turn into haunting and experimental instrumentation. “Mirrored Sky” ends the listen cautious yet playful with a hypnotic, almost tribal like quality where atmosphere and mood are key.

An outfit spearheaded by Haruko Crow Nishimura and Joshua Kohl, the immense amount of creativity and precise delivery here make it appear that a small army created these tunes, as tenor sax and bass clarinet appearances add much to this atypical effort.

Travels well with: Deerhoof- Milk Man; Bjork- Utopia