The Newberry Consort



Navona, 2021


Listen to Vespers

The Chicago ensemble The Newberry Consort return with a spellbinding collection of compositions for women’s voices. The composer, an obscure 17th century Mexican named Juan de Lienas, lands somewhere between Baroque and Renaissance across a dozen carefully executed adventures from the many mouths, organ and viola on hand.

“Salmo: Deus in adiutorium meum intende” opens the listen with multiple soaring vocals converging in a very spiritual climate, and “Himno: Martyr Dei” follows with light and angelic singing that’s intimate and immediately gripping.

Halfway through, “Salmo: Antiphon/ Credidi, quod loqutus sum a 8” flows with much melody as the voices blend together with a mesmerizing quality, while “Salmo: Antiphon/ Laudate Dominum omnes a 8” displays incredible range with much radiance that you’re unlikely to hear elsewhere. “Himno: Ave maris stella”, an album highlight, then offers a poetic approach where atmosphere is key.

Near the end, “Himno: Te lucis ante terminium” pairs soothing organ with equally calming voices and “Salve Regina” finishes the listen with nearly 9 minutes of strategic vocals administered with much grace.

Not much is known about de Lienas, but under the director and soprano Ellen Hargis his work lives on here with an ethereal, very sophisticated and even otherworldly appeal.

Travels well with: Jonathan Badger- Piano Quartets; Athenio Trio- Brush Strokes