Kate Soper

The Hunt

New Focus, 2024


Listen to The Hunt

The inimitable composer Kate Soper brings us a one act chamber opera, where inspiration from a set of medieval tapestries known as ‘The Lady and the Unicorn’ welcomes 3 sopranos who also play instruments.

“Prologue: de Monoceron” opens the listen with the voices harmonizing with much beauty, and it isn’t long until “On The Unicorn” brings ukulele to the radiant singing and warm musicianship.

Further along, “Maiden-Song” presents a cautous intimacy, where the three blend their voices with vivid storytelling, while “Fleur’s Solo” leads bare, before the rich singing is both tense and soothing.

Residing near the end, “Third Sighting” follows the storyline with the galloping of horses and background chatter, and “Coda: de Monoceron” exits with quick ukulele and blur of voices that meet for harmonic bouts amid the stirring violin.

The performers in attendance are Hirona Amamiya, Christiana Cole and Brett Umlauf, who together illuminate Soper’s short story about the experience of being unicorn bait with incredible detail, creativity and modern classical and opera sensibilities.

Travels well with: Paolo Marchettini- Ebony Chants; Jessica Meyer- I Long And Seek After