Adhyâropa, 2024
A quartet consisting of two professors, a world renowned mandolinist and a rising banjo wizard, Ezra bring classical, jazz, rock, and bluegrass to these highly technical 9 tracks that make up their debut.
“Smoke In The Valley” opens the listen with Max Allard’s intricate banjo, before Craig Butterfield’s skilled bass enters, and “Jarrah” follows with Jesse Jones’ warm guitar that guides the rootsy, flowing dynamics of the cozy climate.
In the middle, “Contrabuffoon” benefits much from Jacob Jolliff’s meticulous mandolin playing that turns into a thicker, rich album highlight, while “Cowboy Walks” is an intimate moment of gentle beauty from the graceful and stirring strings.
Approaching the end, “Beedabumbum” meshes the four’s inimitable talents with a cautious and melodic presence, and “Dix-neuf” exits with chunky banjo, dense bass plucking and upbeat mandolin that makes an indelible impression.
A very progressive take on chamber and bluegrass ways, influences from Punch Brothers, Hawktail and Uncommon Ritual won’t be hard to notice, as the string acrobatics make for an exceptional first album.
Travels well with: Dean Olsher- Letters Of Transit; Aaron Irwin Trio- (after)